Saturday, November 5, 2011

Found(ation of) Gratitude: 4 & 5

I gave myself a haircut yesterday. I've been trimming my own bangs, well, since I got them in high school. (and no, the time I cut my own hair when I was 5 does not count.) This is the second time I've done the whole thing, layers and all, without any help. I've also now given Joey 3 complete haircuts, and he'll probably need another one in a few weeks.

There are 2 reasons that I cut my own hair, and Joey's hair. The first is that it's a lot less expensive than going to a salon or even to a friend who knows how to cut hair. Why spend $10-20 when I can do it myself for free? (plus Joey makes a joke every time I cut his hair. "I'm the only man I know that gets to kiss his barber." Ha.)

The second reason it's certainly more adventurous. If it looks stupid, I can only blame myself. If it looks awesome, then I feel more awesome than I would have if I'd gotten a professional cut.

And there's a third reason! Someday, when I have kids, I will hopefully be skilled enough to cut their hair. At least until they decide they want something crazy done, and then they can pay for it themselves.

So for November 4th, (4.) I've found I'm thankful for these hair cutting scissors that my mother sent me in August. They are useful for all of the reasons above.

(no, I am not actually cutting my hair in the photo. Who cuts their hair in front of a webcam?)

Also, I like my haircut.

And now for today's topic. Hopefully after this I will be able to keep up with the daily posts.

I wasn't sure what to do for today. I went to a clothing swap this morning, so I considered talking more about the Trinity community and how I'm thankful for people who share. Sharing is great! But... not what I want to talk about.

I also discovered that today is Art Garfunkel's 70th birthday. I've probably loved Simon & Garfunkel since I was in the womb. One of my first favorite songs was 'Bright Eyes' from one of Art Garfunkel's solo albums. My dad told me that it was written, or related to, the book Watership Down. They made a movie out of the book, which I found slightly horrible as a child. I also tried to read the book, and didn't like it much either. But the song I loved, and the artist I loved.

5. I've found I'm thankful for Art Garfunkel, and all the music he and Paul Simon have made over the years.

Doesn't he look a little like Dr. Graddy? You know it's true.

Now, click this link to listen to 'Bright Eyes' and watch a bunny movie. I mean, a montage from the Watership Down movie. (Don't worry, the song is worth it, if you hate bunnies or something.)