Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Found(ation of) Gratitude: 16-22

Apparently I've been really busy, because I haven't blogged in a whole week. So I'm gonna make little short notes for each day because a story and a photo for 7 days is just a lot of work right now.

#16. Word games. Like Scrabble. Or Words With Friends on Facebook. I don't actually own a Scrabble board anymore so these games keep my brain word-ing and stuff.

#17. The ability to argue with one clear point, and to put up with people who like to bounce around a lot just to keep an argument going. Also, for patience with said people. Also also, for the car ride with said people to be over.

#18. Hymns. I went to a band concert on Friday night, in which all (most?) of the songs were based on hymns. They were beautiful, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

#19. For feet and legs that function, because I spent 50% of Saturday walking around Chicago, with no actual destination.

#20. For "new" sweaters (from Goodwill) that make me feel cozy and cuddly, and happen to be the perfect shade of green.

#21. Cancelled morning classes, and for good migraine medication.

And now, for today.

A little more than three years ago I was thrust into a friendship with a lovely girl in a dark red dress. It was summer time and I didn't have any friends in Illinois yet. We went to dinner and a coffeehouse together, and we've been best friends ever since.

#22. I've found that I'm thankful for my best friend Janell., (whose birthday is today!) Like all relationships, there have been rough spots and potholes, but we've persevered, in our own way, to the best of our ability. We make each other laugh and sometimes we laugh at other people, and sometimes, they laugh at us. (we are pretty freakin' hilarious.) She is beautiful inside and out, and I love her all the way to my toes! She is such a blessing in my life.

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